14 Fun Things To Do When You Are Bored in Spring

The weather is starting to get a little better, the sun shines more often and nature is waking up, it’s Springtime!

I am so grateful that the cold winter has passed and I can begin to restock my skin with vitamin D!

But nice weather alone won’t keep you entertained in Spring, you need some fun things to do to savor the Spring spirit.

There are plenty of activities to choose from, but when you are in the depths of boredom, you probably won’t be able to think of anything pleasant to do.

Let’s see if I can inspire you with these 14 fun things to do when you are bored in spring.

14 fun things to do in springtime. Pinterest Pin.

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14 Fun Things To Do in Spring

1. Visit a wild animal sanctuary

Things to do in spring: visit an animal sanctuary or a zoo.

Visiting a zoo is often given as an example of things to do when you love animals. But if you truly love animals and care for their wellbeing, it might be a fun thing to do to visit a wild animal sanctuary instead.

Let me explain to you what the big difference is between a zoo and an animal sanctuary. The zoo is mainly built for commercial purposes and to give humans entertainment (while also caring for the animals of course). An animal sanctuary on the other hand is there to provide shelter and care for animals in need, animals that have been abandoned, mistreated, or abused in the past get a second chance in an animal sanctuary.

When you choose to visit an animal sanctuary, you are sponsoring them with your ticket and you could also donate if you would love to help out more. You get to see beautiful wild animals that are treated with respect at the sanctuary. There is a wild animal sanctuary in Belgium that is called “De Zonnegloed“, that you can visit if you happen to spend some time in Belgium.

It’s always fun to watch wild animals that you don’t see every day live their day-to-day lives and with a sanctuary, you know they are in a good place too. Heart-warming if you ask me.

If there isn’t a place like this in your area and you would love to see some animals playing around, you can check out a zoo that is near you. Most zoos treat their animals with respect and take good care for them so it’s perfectly okay to visit a zoo if you love animals.

2. Go hiking and pack your camera

Since the weather is becoming better every day, it might be fun to find things to do outdoors!

There are plenty of things to do outdoors, and going for a hike is a nice one that keeps you fit as well. If you are a bit of an artistic person, you might want to bring your camera or phone to capture the beautiful start and growth of the nature around you.

You can pre-plan a route to follow when you go hiking or wing it if you know the place a little better. Make it as long or as short as you’d like and go solo or bring a hiking buddy. If you have a dog, I bet they would love to join you!

I love taking pictures of natural phenomena to capture the beauty of it all. You can take pictures just for you, or try to sell them online as stock photography to make some money from it. You could also start an Instagram page just to show off your prettiest pictures and make a portfolio this way.

3. Have a picnic

Having a picnic is one of the outdoor things to do that you can combine with hiking or having a bike ride for example. But it doesn’t have to be this way, you could just make a picnic to eat at a lovely outdoor location with a friend or a date.

You can put as much work into a picnic as you want.

Keep it simple and buy or order food to bring with you to eat on a picnic bench or a blanket on the floor in the woods. Option number two is going all in by preparing most of your picnic dishes yourself or getting together with some friends who are each responsible for bringing one type of dish. This can be so much fun! You get to try each other’s creations and catch up at the same time.

I have had both types of picnics.

The first time I went all out with my friends, preparing wraps and baking brownies to bring along with me, while another friend made some cold pasta dish and it was amazing! Here’s a tip: make sure you bring things that you can eat with and on, like cutlery and dishes so that you don’t have to eat pasta on napkins. Bringing napkins is also a good tip, and cups, don’t forget cups!

Another fun picnic with not much effort at all was a time me and my friend got some fries and sat on a park bench eating them, whilst having a nice chat until it got dark.

You can eat outdoors in your backyard and this is fun as well when the weather is nice, but having a picnic at a park or in a forest is something else.

4. Celebrate Easter

There are plenty of things to do with Easter. Cute bunny with eggs.

When you are thinking about things to do in spring, Easter must pop into your mind. I used to love Easter when I was a kid.

Even when you get a little older, you can create new traditions around Easter or keep up with the old Easter traditions that you experienced as a child. There are so many things you can do to celebrate Easter.

When you have little kids in your family, you could help with the Easter egg hunt, hiding chocolate eggs in the garden of your relatives. But when entertaining children isn’t your cup of tea, you could buy yourself some Easter-themed chocolates and enjoy them all by yourself!

Having a lovely Easter breakfast, lunch or brunch is also one of the possibilities to do with friends or family.

More things to do with Easter when you have too much chocolate is making chocolate mousse or other chocolate desserts, that’s how my grandmother gets rid of all the chocolate eggs after Easter.

Easter is also a great time to buy baby chicks if you would love to have chickens in your garden. Don’t buy them as an impulse decision but think about it for a while before you buy chickens. Be sure that you can and want to take care of them!

5. Paint your nails in pastel colors

Springtime also equals time for pastel colors. You can dress in pastel-colored clothes, but another fun thing to do is to paint your nails in pastel colors.

You could paint your nails yourself if you have the skills, or go to a nail salon to get the prettiest pastel manicure. Treat yourself if you love to have pretty nails once in a while (or every month if your budget allows it) or buy a machine and some nail polish so you can save some costs in the long run.

It can be fun to learn how to do it yourself, you can experiment with designs and if you get good at it, you might charge some money for it to do it on somebody else!

I even build some tools back in the day, like a dotting tool, by stabbing a pin into a pencil to use as my dotting tool to create more designs on my nails. It was a fun hobby for me where I got to be creative and be proud of my designs.

This Nail Polish Set has 6 different pastel colors in it, it’s fun to paint every nail in another color or switch colors every week in springtime!

6. Visit a farmer’s market

Some people go to the farmer’s market every Sunday to get some fresh fruits and vegetables, taking a stroll in the streets with all the market stalls. I like to go there to spot dogs as they are widely attended at the market that I visit.

It’s more fun to visit a farmer’s market when the weather is getting better, as nobody likes to shop in the pouring rain, right? So if you are not a regular visitor, maybe go check it out, you might like it!

Next to that, it can be a fun trip, watching dogs, maybe eating a burger at the market or drinking a coffee, you can buy fresh products for next week and support your local community.

7. Plan your summer holiday

Planning a vacation is always a good idea.

When you are bored and are looking for things to do in spring, you might as well consider looking up activities to do in summer! It’s a great time to plan your summer vacation, whether or not you are traveling.

If you want to travel to another country in the summer, it can be helpful to start planning your vacation in spring or maybe even sooner if you are planning a big trip that needs a lot of preparation.

It’s also very fun to have a vacation that you can look forward to when you go to work every day and think about all the fun things that you are planning to do in your summer vacation.

When you are not traveling, you can research ideas for stay-at-home vacations or budget-friendly trips in the summer. The planning alone can make you excited for the vacation to come!

8. Reorganize your closet

There are also less fun things to do in spring, like spring cleaning or reorganizing your closets for example. So these things might not be fun at that moment, but you will be so happy when you finish them!

When spring begins, you will need different clothing than you wear in winter, so it’s time to change your closet. Reorganize your closet for spring and summer and keep a few warm clothes for chilly nights. It’s like you’re getting new clothes because you didn’t wear them for like half a year!

Some people like organizing stuff, it makes them feel productive, so if you are one of those people, reorganizing your closet might be a fun activity for you. It is very nice to remember which clothes you have lying around in the back and bring them to the front of your closet. You will spend less time digging in piles of clothes if you organize them neatly.

You could also try the KonMari method to declutter your closet as well and only keep the items that bring you joy!

9. Go out for drinks with friends or family

There are fun things to do by yourself, and other things to do that are so much nicer in good company, such as having a drink with friends or family.

When it’s getting warmer and the days are getting longer, the time is getting right to have drinks with friends on terraces again. In the winter, it can be nice and cozy to have hot beverages indoors, but when the summer is getting closer, those evening drinks on terraces hit differently.

Join your friends and family on rooftop bars, on terraces, or maybe in each other’s gardens. The closer we get to summer, the longer the day lasts so this means more time to connect with friends and family. It’s time for a cocktail or a cold beverage to enjoy yourself and your company.

10. Start a workout routine

Things to do when you want to get fit: working out and eating healthy.

Next to all the things you already need to do to keep your body healthy, like eating healthy foods, drinking enough water, etc. comes working out. Working up a sweat to get more fit in the spring.

When it’s raining and cold outside in winter, most people do not feel like going for a run or bike ride. But when the spring begins and the sun shines more often, it could be the start of a good workout routine. Working out does not have to be a chore on your list if you pick the right workout for you, it could also be an entertaining hobby that gets you in shape at the same time.

You could try a new sport that you might like or get back at one that was left behind in winter. Create an awesome playlist to listen to and take a look at my list for some inspiration.

11. Play miniature golf

Miniature golf is a pretty fun activity for parties or get-togethers with friends or family. It could also be a great first date if you ask me.

When you are on a date and want some things to do that aren’t just talking about you and your date, consider going for a miniature golf date if the weather is fine. You can make it a bit competitive and think of a prize for the winner, for example, the loser has to buy drinks afterward.

Miniature golf is a relaxing activity as it doesn’t require much physical activity or skills, while you still get to spend some time outdoors and enjoy a conversation with your company.

12. Go on a city trip

You can spend some time planning a trip, but you could also go on a city trip if you have a longer weekend or a vacation period in spring.

You only need a few days off to see and explore a famous city, which is awesome! If you have the money and feel like exploring a new place, let’s book it!

There are plenty of things to do when you are in a different city, but it might be good to plan for it so you don’t miss the best things to do over there.

Create a list of all the cities you want to explore sooner or later and pick one out to see this spring. Spring is often better than summer when you don’t want to die of the heat in some places, do your research before going somewhere about the temperatures and the climate at that time of year.

13. Grow vegetables in your garden

Growing vegetables in a greenhouse.

Do you have green fingers? Did you ever think about growing your own vegetables? This year might be the year you start to grow vegetables in your garden. Let your inner farmer free!

Working with your hands in the dirt can be oddly relaxing and growing things from only a seed is something to be proud of. It’s a nice feeling to grow your own food without the need for a store to provide you with your nutrients.

You can plant different types of vegetables, the ones you like of course, but some are harder than others to harvest successfully so prepare yourself by doing your research first. You could also buy plants at the farmer’s market to start a little bit further in the growth process than from the seeds. The people who sell you the plants or seeds can probably help you by giving you some guidelines and tips.

14. Organize and host a High Tea

When you want to organize an event to get your friends or family together, hosting a High Tea might be a fun idea to do in spring.

I organized a High Tea for all of my friends when I was still in high school because I loved England and all of its traditions. I baked scones and made finger sandwiches and of course, served a lot of different flavors of tea.

If you are not the hosting kind of person, you could also have it in a tea room for sure. This will be a nice activity as well. Appreciate the good food and company and enjoy yourself.


Springtime offers a lot of opportunities and fun things to do to keep yourself entertained. You probably know which ones you would like from reading the descriptions, but maybe try them out anyway if you have some doubts!

There are many more things to do in spring of course, but I listed 14 things to provide you some great ideas.

I hope you find some inspiration in this blog post when you are feeling bored or uninspired in spring. Go have some fun!

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