23 Self-Care Activities Without Spending a Lot of Money

Self-care activities for those who need some time to relax and unwind from their busy lives.

Self-care is so important to keep a person sane and well. Without self-care, you will end up burnt out one way or another. Prevention is key here!

These self-care activities won’t make you broke but will help you to relax and feel better about yourself.

23 self-care activities without spending a lot of money. Pinterest Pin.

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23 Self-Care Activities Without Spending a Lot of Money

1. Read a book

A library full of books.

I can hear you thinking, ‘But then I have to buy a book first?’. No, not really.

You can borrow books from a local library! Of course, you have to pay a small amount of money as a yearly fee but that is so limited for the limitless amount of books you can lend! It’s truly amazing how many books I read in the past year with just spending 5 euros.

Saving money whilst gaining knowledge was never so easy! I like to learn something when I read a book but self-care is also reading a book just for fun. Enjoy reading whatever book you fancy!

2. Call or visit a friend

What is life without friends? As an introvert, you probably don’t need a lot of friends, but having a few close ones is very nice. A family member or partner can also be your best friend. We are all human beings who crave connection with each other, some more than others, but still, we need it!

Call a friend who you haven’t seen in a while or call regularly with a friend just to connect and talk about your day-to-day life. Visiting a friend works even better for some but that requires more effort so consider if you have the energy for it. Connecting with someone who gets you feels amazing!

3. Move your body

A woman who is running in a park. Self-care activities.

Physical activity yes! What kind of sports do you like? If you don’t like the exercise, you could still do it to reap the health benefits but I think it’s a lot nicer when you enjoy it!

You could go running, hiking, swimming, biking or even dancing! And I’m not talking about expensive gym memberships (although if it fits your budget and you enjoy it, good for you!), I’m talking about stepping outside and starting exercising without much money. I like to dance in my room with the music really loud! Instantly good mood!

4. Watch a funny show or movie

Laughing is one of the best ways to make yourself feel good. Comedy is not that easy and people all have a different type of humor. Go to the comedy section on Netflix or research some funny videos on YouTube for free to be entertained.

What is it you find funny? I love shows like The Big Bang Theory, Friends, or The Office on Netflix. Funny animal videos on YouTube can also always lift my mood. Netflix also has some stand-up comedians performing, check them out!

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5. Write in a journal

All you need is an empty notebook, a pen, and a little motivation to start maybe. You can use it as your diary to write in before you go to bed.

Let all your thoughts out on the blank paper and release the tension and stress of the day that has passed. When you write your thoughts down, they won’t stick in your mind so much so you will fall asleep easier and are less prone to overthinking.

6. Take a warm bath

A picture of a bathtub with a big window behind it.

This is one of the self-care activities I like most. When I work hard during the day, I like to pamper myself by taking a long hot bath in the evening. It’s so relaxing because of the warm water and the nice aromas of soaps, lavender-scented bath salts, and shampoos.

The hot water also relaxes your muscles, which is great! The tension you have built up during the day will melt away.

7. Listen to music you love

You can combine listening to music with other self-care activities or choose to focus on the music and give all your attention to it. Good music can feed your soul. I listen to music most of the time through YouTube, which is totally free!

I want to share with you a few songs that I really like at this moment:

Check them out and let me know what you think! Please share your favorite artists as well! Discovering new music is always nice.

8. Go for a walk in nature

Moving your body is good for you in so many ways and the nature aspect only gives you more benefits! Nature has a way of calming you down when you are overstimulated by all the things you experience every day.

When we go back to nature, we go back to the basics which is relaxing.

9. Stretch

A woman doing some stretching. Self-care activities.

Stretch your body every day and you will notice how good it feels to do so! In the morning a few stretches to wake up your body and before bed again to stretch your sore muscles and relax before sleeping.

You can do Yoga With Adriene on YouTube, she has some amazing stretching routines for mornings and evenings! I could not recommend her more!

Some types of yoga can be done on your bed, but it would come in handy to have a yoga mat for practice.

10. Create something

The power of creativity! Take care of yourself by letting your creative side come out once in a while. Doing things like painting, drawing, knitting, crafting, writing, baking, etc.

You don’t even have to be good at it! You just have to enjoy it when you are making something unique. Be an artist.

11. Get enough sleep or take a nap

When you are tired, everything is hard. Make sure you get enough sleep during the night, and find out what your ideal number is. I need 8 hours and 30 minutes to feel well-rested. It’s a lot I know! Some people don’t need as much to feel energized when they wake up.

How can you figure out how much you need? The best thing to do is try timing your sleep during a holiday when you don’t have to wake up with an alarm. See when you naturally wake up and if it’s the same for a couple of days, that’s probably the amount you need.

When you don’t get enough sleep during the night, maybe try napping! It works great for some people but not for everyone. Power naps should be short and early enough during the day so you can still sleep at night.

12. Play a board game

A group of people playing a board game on the floor.

Fun activity! But you do need a board game to start with. Ask your friends or family if they want to meet up to play a board game together. This is not as relaxing for everyone, but I love board games and catching up with my family at the same time! There are so many different board games on the market, hopefully, you have some friends or family who like to play them with you.

My favorites at the moment:

13. Drink a hot cup of coffee or tea

A hot beverage warms you from the inside out.

This is one of the self-care activities that is best in Winter, but when it’s not too hot in summer, it’s still enjoyable. You can make this at home or once in a while enjoy it in a coffee shop.

There are so many coffee and tea variations, you can try different flavors and pick your signature drink!

14. Cuddle a pet

A woman cuddling a beagle dog.

Cuddle, pet, or walk your pet. Spending time with an animal can warm your heart. I have a dog, and whenever I am having a bad day, petting her makes me feel instantly better!

The soft, furry body and cute, joyful eyes are what do the trick. It releases happy hormones when you can snuggle with your favorite buddy.

Unless you are allergic of course, then this self-care activity isn’t for you, unfortunately.

15. Organize your space

A clean room = a clear mind.

When you declutter and organize your space, you will feel more calm and relaxed than when you still live in a mess. Organizing can help you to find things faster which leads to less stress.

It can be just as much as cleaning your desk or the room you are currently living in, it doesn’t have to be the entire house to give you some breathing room.

Some self-care activities can be harder than others but you will always reap the benefits of it!

16. Make a list of your goals

Having goals is what gives us people the motivation to do stuff.

Writing down your goals or figuring out what they are can be really motivating. Moving forward is a lot easier when you know which direction to go next. It doesn’t have to be a long list.

If you make your goals very specific and divide them into subgoals, you will be able to reach them sooner. Accomplishing goals is very fulfilling and rewarding and writing this list is the first step to get there!

17. Brush and floss your teeth

Different types and sizes of interdental brushes for interdental cleaning.

Don’t think that dental health is only important for your teeth! It’s important for your entire body!

Brush twice a day with an electric toothbrush and floss at least once a day to treat your teeth well. When your gums are bleeding, it means there is inflammation going on which can affect your whole body if you don’t watch out.

A wise saying: Only brush and floss the teeth you want to keep!

Dental care is expensive, so make sure to prevent as many dental problems as possible by taking care of your teeth and gums every single day.

18. Make a vision board

A vision board will help you develop a positive attitude toward your future. You will collect a lot of images that inspire you of who you want to become and how you want your life to look. You can make it look as dreamy or realistic as you like.

Create a vision for your future to inspire you when you are down.

You might also like: How to Make an Inspirational Canva Vision Board Online for Free

19. Start a gratitude list

Gratitude is a wonderful thing. When you feel grateful, you feel good about life.

You can do this every morning or evening or both! It can be gratefulness for little things like the weather, a nice cup of coffee, a hug, etc. If you feel grateful for having specific people in your life, go ahead and let them know. You will brighten their day and feel good while doing it!

I’ve made a list with some gratitude inspiration if you need it.

20. Eat something healthy

Get your vitamins in! Fruit, vegetables, and whole grains make you feel good and they take care of your body. Eat healthy to feel healthy and energized.

When I feel low, it always helps to eat a fresh piece of fruit. Junk food is more tempting when you feel low in energy but this only gives you a very short energy boost and is junk to your body. A fresh piece of fruit will energize and hydrate you at the same time!

21. Catch some sunlight

The sun is shining.

Vitamin D all the way! I can and will not live without the sun!

When sitting in the sun, the dark clouds that sometimes live in your mind will start disappearing. Everything is more joyful when the sun is shining!

In the winter, we often don’t get enough vitamin D so we have to take supplements for it.

It’s so important to get enough sunshine on your skin, but always make sure you wear sunscreen to protect yourself from sunburn.

22. Drink enough water

The last of the physical self-care activities on this list, drink your water! Your body needs water to function properly so make sure to get your daily 1,5-2 liters in today. It also helps you feel more energized and is a detox for your body.

Got to stay hydrated!

23. Volunteer

Give something back to your community by volunteering, if you can fit this in your life. When you work full-time, I don’t expect anyone to spend their weekend volunteering because when will you do your chores and have some me-time then?

But if you do have too much time on your hands, volunteering is great! It makes you feel good about yourself because of all the grateful people you can help!

If people aren’t your thing, try volunteering at an animal shelter. Those animals will really love some attention and care from you. Follow your heart with this activity.

Now it’s your turn!

Try some of these self-care activities when you have a little bit of me-time planned.

Pick the ones you think you might enjoy. They are all great for your well-being!

Let me know if you have some more ideas or which activity you like best.

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