
13 Awesome Side Hustle Ideas To Make Some Extra Money

If you are looking for awesome side hustle ideas to make some extra money, this article is for you!
I wrote a blog post earlier about side hustles that would be a great fit for introverts, but this blog post is for everyone, some of them are more for extroverts, and others are more introvert-friendly.
Side hustles will help you create more than one income stream and allow you to develop new skills and grow as a person. If you have some time left to fill with a hobby that can bring home more money, why not do it?
Let me share 13 great side hustles that you can do alongside your 9-5 job!

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12 Inspiring Weekend Activities To Do in the Fall

The fall is finally here, leaves are falling, colors are changing and the weather is getting colder.
Every season has its ups and downs, and with fall, it’s no different. Let’s try to have the most fun out of the fall. It gets a little more chilly, especially in the evenings, and the leaves start falling, making a wonderful decor. Pumpkin tastes better than ever and Halloween and Thanksgiving are around the corner.
Fun weekend activities don’t have to be all weekend consuming or very expensive, you can change it up every weekend, depending on how you are feeling and who will be joining you.
If you are looking for inspiration for weekend activities in the fall, you’re in the right place. Let me share 12 inspiring weekend activities to do during the wonderful fall.

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10 Easy Ways to Romanticize Your Life for More Fun

Romanticize your life if you want to escape the daily slump. Growing up, you might notice that adult life isn’t always the best.
When you were a teenager or kid, you might have had a glamorized vision of what it would be like to be a grown-up. Now that you are living the life of an adult or adolescent, you might hate it or find it boring as hell.
This blog post is for all the girls and women, who need a little glamour in their everyday lives. You can romanticize your life by doing little things every day to make it more special and fun.

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4 Easy Iced Coffee Recipes for Coffee Lovers (Beginner-Friendly)

This summer, I discovered the art and taste of homemade iced coffees! Making delicious iced coffees became a hobby of mine in no time. So why not share my explorations and easy iced coffee recipes with you all to enjoy?
Since university, I’ve been a coffee girl. Completely black or mixed with all different flavors and milk, I’m all for it! Those days, I always drank coffee from my Dolce Gusto or Senseo machine or went to a local coffee shop to try something more special.
Making fancy iced coffees isn’t that difficult at all, and it’s way cheaper than always running to the coffee shop to buy one.
Getting the right appliances at the start might be a little investment, but you will save money in the long term and probably enjoy yourself while creating these yummy iced coffees!
These 4 easy iced coffee recipes are all you need to start becoming a barista at home, let’s see which tools you need to have and how little ingredients you need!

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15 Important Work Bag Essentials You Must Carry With You

Of you go to work and oh no, you forget an essential item in all the hurry! Pack your work bag with some essential items so you won’t find yourself in an annoying situation at work or on your commute.
Next to the basic items that everyone should always carry with them, like a wallet, your ID, your driver’s license, and your phone, you need more things in your bag that are work bag essentials.
Work bag essentials are items you shouldn’t leave your house without if you’re going to work. I’m mostly talking about office jobs, but they apply to other jobs too.
It’s good practice to keep these work bag essentials in your bag at all times so you never go without them. Let’s see what they are!

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15 Money Saving Tips to Save Money during the Summer Holidays

Summertime is here and we need money saving tips to thrive during summer!
Whether you are going on vacation or staying home enjoying all the summertime fun in your neighborhood, spending money often goes hand in hand with a holiday period.
You want to be able to enjoy your summer, go out for drinks with your friends, go to that outdoor festival, go to the beach to taste all the ice cream flavors, and maybe travel, all of those lovely things whilst not going broke, that’s the goal!
With these money saving tips, you will definitely keep more money in your pocket while still enjoying summer.

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14 Amazing Student Essentials for College Students

When you go from high school to college, things will be very different from what you are used to. Classrooms turn into auditoriums, teachers turn into professors, you will have more free time and you might live in a dorm room instead of at home with your parents.
Or you might have had the best summer vacation yet and are going back to school to go for your second year at university.
I went to university for 6 years so I think I know what I am talking about and boy do I love stationary and college supplies!
What are the student essentials you can not or should not live without? I will share 14 college essentials to be prepared for a year of studying!

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How to Effectively Use Time Blocking – Increase Your Productivity

We all want to be as productive as we can be without sacrificing our mental health while doing so. Learning about new productivity techniques, such as the time-blocking method, can help you improve your productivity levels without putting in more hours.
Being productive means having a good output on any activity that you choose to do where there is a goal to be reached, whether it is work-related or is more related to your family life. You want to reach your personal or work-related goals and only use up the energy you need for a certain task.
Let’s learn more about time blocking, what it is, how you can implement it in your life, and why you need it so badly.

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6 Reasons Why Medical Coding is a Perfect Career for Introverts

Tons of jobs require many interactions with other people, clients, patients, customers, etc. Introverts have limited social energy and thrive when they have time to work alone and not get interrupted by others constantly. Let me introduce you to medical coding!
I consider myself an introvert and found constant patient interaction very draining. What I did love, however, was nice chats with some of my coworkers. It’s not because you are an introvert, that you don’t want to have any contact at all, we are still humans and that makes us social beings.
Depending on where you place yourself on the introverted spectrum, you would like more or less social contact during your workday. Keep reading if you want no direct client/patient/customer contact.
Maybe you worked in healthcare as well, and are experiencing compassion fatigue, you are thinking about changing jobs because you are so burned out but don’t want to leave the medical field. Consider becoming a medical coder if this is the case!

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