
6 Reasons Why Medical Coding is a Perfect Career for Introverts

Tons of jobs require many interactions with other people, clients, patients, customers, etc. Introverts have limited social energy and thrive when they have time to work alone and not get interrupted by others constantly. Let me introduce you to medical coding!
I consider myself an introvert and found constant patient interaction very draining. What I did love, however, was nice chats with some of my coworkers. It’s not because you are an introvert, that you don’t want to have any contact at all, we are still humans and that makes us social beings.
Depending on where you place yourself on the introverted spectrum, you would like more or less social contact during your workday. Keep reading if you want no direct client/patient/customer contact.
Maybe you worked in healthcare as well, and are experiencing compassion fatigue, you are thinking about changing jobs because you are so burned out but don’t want to leave the medical field. Consider becoming a medical coder if this is the case!

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13 Awesome Tips to Develop a Positive Attitude for More Happiness

Did you know that your genetics partly determine your attitude toward life and overall thinking? Because of this, having a positive attitude comes more easily to some people than others.
You might think that this isn’t fair and why on earth did you get the bad gene pot when it comes to thinking positively and enjoying life more easily? Yes, you are right, it’s not fair, but we can’t do anything about your genetics, so there must be another way to make things better!
Thankfully, your happiness and outlook on life aren’t only determined by your genes! Other parts play a big role as well, parts that you have more control over.
The two other parts that determine how happy you feel and the way you experience and perceive life are your life circumstances and your thoughts and behaviors.
You can definitely change your thoughts and behavior and even your circumstances are often changeable for the better. Give it a go!

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16 Fun Outdoor Activities to Enjoy in Summer

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy outdoor activities. The world seems so much brighter when the sun shines and everyone’s mood seems to improve with just the right amount of sunshine!
Outdoor activities are always nicer when the weather is good, that’s a well-known fact. Many outdoor activities are meant for sports enthusiasts, but there are also plenty of activities for people who like to have a chill time and relax outside.
Here’s a list of fun outdoor activities for all the outdoor cats amongst us!
PS. Don’t forget to put on sunscreen!

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The 11 Best Home Office Ideas for Success and Productivity

Working from home has created enormous freedom and flexibility if you are allowed to do this by your employer. And your home office could be a place to focus and get your best work done without the distractions you get in the office.
Having the opportunity to work from home can be amazing if you have a nice home office. It can be so much fun to start decorating it to be your most motivated and productive self.
There are some essentials that you just can’t live comfortably without, and I want to share these with you in this blog post. Start filling up your Amazon basket and begin with the creation and decoration of your beautiful home office.

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How a Highly Sensitive Person Can Thrive With Their 5 Powerful Senses

A highly sensitive person typically has one or more senses that are heightened in sensitivity. It is even possible that all of your 5 senses are super sensitive to stimuli.
Being a highly sensitive person can come with challenges and one of those challenges is dealing with overstimulated senses on a daily basis. That’s why it is important to see what possible solutions there are to help you live your everyday life a little easier.
I am particularly very sensitive to my hearing, smell, and touch and a little more sensitive than the non-highly sensitive individual in sight. For me, taste isn’t something that overstimulates me, although I don’t like the taste of a lot of food.
Let’s see in which overstimulation of your senses you recognize yourself, and what there is to do about it shall we?

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45 Exciting Summer Bucket List Ideas

Summer is coming! And with summer, most of us have a few vacation plans and some time off work to enjoy ourselves!
A summer bucket list might come in handy for many reasons. You might want some inspiration for fun things to do this summer, it’s nice to have a few summer goals and if you are bored out of your mind, you can always reach to your list to do something enjoyable.
When the sun is shining and the temperatures are hot, there are plenty of fun activities for you to do. You can do some of them by yourself, while others are more fun to do with some company, but that’s up to you to decide.
Make this summer the best one yet with your summer bucket list and use this list for some inspiration!

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14 Frugal Living Tips to Save Even More Money

Frugal living is winning popularity day by day, because of how expensive everything is becoming today. The wages aren’t growing as much as the prices of your everyday needs, which is problematic, and therefore, a little frugality here and there might be of great help to you.
Suppose you can save some money at the end of each month, good for you! But if you can save even more money, even better right?
Frugal living tips can come in handy to save a few dollars here and there, which really adds up in the end! Some frugal living tips might even save you a whole lot of money.
Frugal living is a way of life. It is not for everyone, but it can help you big time for reaching your financial goals faster.
I wish you the best of luck with your frugal living journey and hope these tips can help you out.

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13 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Quality of Life

There are so many healthy habits to add to your lifestyle. Try to get something out of all of them to improve the quality of your life.
Don’t force yourself by trying to start doing all of them from day one but see how you can start implementing as many as possible without getting overwhelmed. Step by step, slowly going in the right direction is better than not trying at all.
If you feel down or not as positive as you could, look at the list to see which healthy habits you are not doing and see if you feel better after adding them to your routine.
Start improving the quality of your life with these 13 healthy habits straight away!

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Amazing Evening Routine to be More Productive The Next Day

How can you plan your evenings to be your best and most productive the next morning? You might need an amazing evening routine to help you with this!
An evening routine should be about getting ready for the next day and unwinding from the day that has passed. You should be able to do both to be the most productive the next day.
Sure, some nights you might not have much of an evening if you have been working late or had to attend an event after work, then you could do a tiny version to get the most important stuff done.
Having an evening routine will give your brain some rest when you are familiar with it, and save you tons of time and energy because you don’t have to choose what to do all the time.
So let’s find out which things you can include in your evening routine to improve yourself and your life.

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8 Great Side Hustles for Introverts to Make More Money

Side hustles are great for making some extra money on top of your everyday job. You could look for side jobs when your regular income just isn’t enough for you or when you have time to spare and would love to make a little extra money to spend on fun things or save more towards your financial goals.
Side hustling can be broad, with loads of different possibilities to make some extra cash, so you can find a side hustle that fits your lifestyle and work preferences. You can look for something you like to do in your free time that can make money.
Sometimes, it is even possible to turn your side hustle into your main hustle, but this doesn’t always work with every side hustle. Or you can combine multiple side hustles to create enough income so you don’t need your main job anymore.
Start exploring the world of side hustles and find one you enjoy! As an introvert myself, I thought it would be nice to share some side hustles that are totally introvert-friendly.

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