
7 Ways to Reduce Stress When You Are A Proven Perfectionist

Hello fellow perfectionists! This blog post is for you, all the striving perfectionists who need help to reduce stress in your lives.
Being a perfectionist can be seen as a good as well as a negative quality. When you are presenting yourself at a job interview, you could use it as one of your weak points because there are lots of disadvantages to being a perfectionist as well as strong qualities.
Reducing stress can be very difficult when you are a high-achieving perfectionist. We can be very uptight and stressed almost all of the time! That’s why you might need a hand and some guidance to lessen your stress levels.
This post will give you 7 ways to reduce stress when you are a proven perfectionist, check them out and see which one works for you!

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Celebrate Mother’s Day with These Amazing Activities and Gifts!

Thank god for our wonderful mothers.
On Mother’s Day, it’s time to celebrate our moms and give them all our attention and love. Maybe shower them with fun activities and lovely gifts to give them the best Mother’s Day ever!
They deserve so much for raising us into who we are and supporting us through all the difficulties in life.
Give your mom a lot of love on Mother’s Day, spend the day with her, and maybe treat her to something to show your appreciation again.
When you are looking for inspiration on how to spend the day and which gifts to get, keep reading!

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Master Zero-Based Budgeting to Help Control Your Finances

When trying to find a budgeting method that works and that will help you control your finances, the zero-based budgeting method might be a good fit for you. It is found to be one of the best budgeting methods out there.
Every budgeting method is developed to let you gain control over your financial situation so obviously, the zero-based budgeting method will help you with this as well. You will get insights into how much money you are making and where all your money is going. This budgeting method is also more exact than the others and lets you start every month with a clean slate and a new budget.
To master the zero-based budgeting method, you should know the basics first and become a master by implementing this budgeting method every month over and over again. You will see that it only gets easier when you make it a habit.
Let’s start and get more control over your financial situation!

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10 Healthy Teeth Tips to Stop Having Toothaches

Everyone wants to have white and beautiful teeth and some people forget how important it is to have healthy teeth in the first place. Whitening your teeth is totally okay but every dental professional will advise you to take care of the health of your mouth first.
Maybe you are not thinking about whitening at all but are getting sick of all the toothaches you’ve already had in the past. Or you might be scared to get a procedure done at the dentist and wish you could have prevented this.
Your teeth and gums are part of your physical body and are more important for your general health than you might think. Take good care of them and you will reap the benefits of having a good set of teeth.
Let me give you 10 tips for healthy teeth to prevent toothaches and expensive dental visits.

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Magical Pairi Daiza is the Best Zoo in Europe and Here is Why

Pairi Daiza represents a world of wonders in Belgium and is the best zoo in Europe by far! My birthday present was a visit to Pairi Daiza and I couldn’t be happier about it!
The zoological park is not your average zoo, the architecture and setting is so life-like, that you won’t even feel like you’re walking in a zoo (if you would be walking alone that is). There are so many different animals from the five continents, animals that you won’t see in other zoos especially not all together.
Let me share my experience and some tips and tricks that will make you enjoy your visit there even more!

Magical Pairi Daiza is the Best Zoo in Europe and Here is Why Read More »

Building an Emergency Fund: Why it’s Important and How to Start

Don’t you hate having big expenses you didn’t see coming until they’re there? They can mess up your budget and make you debt if you don’t watch out. I’m talking about unexpected medical bills, your care breaking down, your dog getting sick, etc.

To prevent not having enough money for unexpected expenses, it’s best to build an emergency fund. A big pot of money to keep you financially safe for when an emergency happens to you.
You will love having a financial buffer, it will give you more freedom and peace of mind to have an emergency fund in place.

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25 Things to be Grateful for Inspirational List

You can quickly improve your mood with some gratitude.
There are so many things to be grateful for in life, we should all focus more on gratitude practice to be more fulfilled and happy. But when you are feeling down, it can sometimes be tough to find things to be grateful for.
Things to be grateful for are really unlimited. This list only gives you some inspiration to get you started, but everyday you might notice a different thing to be grateful for.
Gratitude is part of a happy life, share it with your family and friends to spread this warm feeling.

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14 Fun Things To Do When You Are Bored in Spring

The weather is starting to get a little better, the sun shines more often and nature is waking up, it’s Springtime!
I am so grateful that the cold winter has passed and I can begin to restock my skin with vitamin D! But nice weather alone won’t keep you entertained in Spring, you need some fun things to do to savor the Spring spirit.
There are plenty of activities to choose from, but when you are in the depths of boredom, you probably won’t be able to think of anything pleasant to do.
Let’s see if I can inspire you with these 14 fun things to do when you are bored in spring.

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9 Passive Income Ideas For Absolute Beginners

The world of passive income is amazing, but most of the time, it’s never as passive as you like it to be especially not in the beginning. Give it some time (and effort) and it can become a great extra source of income.
It’s always a good idea to have more than one stream of income because it will give you a safety net if something happens to your only income. It’s not a good idea to work every hour of your life so passive income can help you gain more money while you don’t keep putting in the extra working hours.
Start today by exploring which type of passive income might suit your life, and create your best life. Eventually, it will free up more time to do the things you love while still making a good income to support yourself and your family.

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10 Great Tips For Mental and Emotional Self-Care

People can’t be happy all the time, that’s just not in our nature. It is healthy to make space for experiencing all your emotions and just let them be there for a little while.
If you are struggling through life and seeing all the negatives but almost no positives, it might be good to take care of your emotional and mental health. Go see a therapist if you feel like you can’t do this on your own, they are here to help you!
I hope these tips will help you through the rollercoaster of emotions you face on a day-to-day basis and to feel better in general. Sending you a virtual hug!

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