
8 Great Low-Stress Jobs for Anxious Introverts

If you are reading this article, I am guessing you are looking for a low-stress job. I get it! My last job totally wrecked me, so all I wanted to do was find a low-stress career for myself.
When your job stresses you out every single day, this will totally deplete you. You won’t have energy left to spend with your family or enjoy some alone time. Especially if you are stressing yourself out in your free time worrying about what might happen the next day at work. You should be able to really let go of your job when you arrive home.
I have done a lot of research on what jobs would be a great fit for introverts, highly sensitive people, people with no high-stress tolerance, etc. This blog post will talk about jobs that have little to no stress and would be great if you want a job just to be a source of income and not a major stressor in your life.

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The Brilliant Digital Envelope System – Alternative to the Cash Envelope System

Thank God that an alternative to the regular cash envelope system has been invented, the digital envelope system!
Modern society is becoming more and more cashless every day. Most stores prefer payments by card since COVID-19 has happened. Because using the card is more hygienic, there is less hassle with giving back the correct amount of change and you don’t have to stop at an ATM to get your money out. So easy!
With this method, you can keep a tight budget that is flexible as well.

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7 Wonderful Valentine’s Day Ideas for Single Women

It’s almost Valentine’s Day! <3 When you are single and have no partner to celebrate with, this might be a not-so-great day for you. But it doesn't have to be a bummer! Spending Valentine's Day being single can be plenty of fun too :). If you think it's a holiday that needs no celebration, that's cool! But if you love the idea behind Valentine's Day, keep reading for some fun ideas to celebrate this lovely holiday.

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7 Things to Avoid When You Want to Be Productive

Here’s a list of the 7 distractions you should avoid to become a more productive person.

1. Social media
2. Clutter
3. Phone
4. Emails
5. Noise
6. Babysitting or pet sitting
7. Appointments

When you are able to avoid these things, your productivity will improve so much! Get rid of all the distractions to achieve more during the day.
Productivity isn’t everything, but it is nice to accomplish things on a daily basis as this makes you feel good and proud of yourself.

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Living Alone For The First Time – How Much Money Do You Need?

You are living at your parents’ house and thinking, how much money do I actually need to start living alone?
This question has a different answer for everyone but we will look at some guidelines to help you figure it out for your personal situation.
Your parents pay for so many things that you probably don’t even have a clue about, so many bills that need to get paid every single month. If you can and your parents will have you, my advice would be to stay as long as you can in your parental home to save money for your future.
Moving out and living alone for the first time can be exciting or scary, but you should spend some time thinking about the financial situation before making the big jump!

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How to Relax When You Are Super Stressed Out!

How to relax after a stressful day at work, a busy family gathering, or a day watching the kids. This sounds easier said than done when you have a million tasks that need to be done and must take care of your family simultaneously.
Some people seem to feel no stress while others can’t seem to spend one minute without feeling stressed out. When you spend your whole day stressing about things, you will be worn out when the evening comes.
Are you feeling like your mind is exploding and you just can’t take it anymore? Do you need a break like right now?
Whenever I worked hard at work, I always enjoy an unwinding evening filled with relaxation. Don’t instantly grab a chill pill but try these relaxation ideas when you are stressed and need to get relaxed.

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Complete House Chore List for the First Time Living Alone

A house chore list can be the structured support you need when you start living by yourself for the first time!

You made a big step, moving out of your parents’ home. Living on your own can be quite overwhelming in the beginning. You will probably call your parents or grandparents more than you would like to ask for help and that’s okay.

Household chores aren’t the favorite things to do when you arrive home, but they are a necessity. At least, some of them are. If you live alone without any roommates, feel free to do the things on this list as much or as little as you find needed.

I am a big fan of making a good structured plan to help you take control over your household. If you do chores only when you feel like it, chances are that you end up procrastinating most of them. Who wants to live in a cluttered and dirty home without food in the fridge? That’s right, no one!

Let’s start looking at all the chores you need to do to live comfortably.

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The 9 Best New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Your Personal Finances

Happy New Year! The start of a new year is always a good time for making resolutions. Maybe this year you will make the best New Year’s Resolutions yet!
It’s easier to make a change when a new year or new period starts, but why is this? Is it the extra push we need to start making a change for real? Anyway, whatever the reason may be, use it to your advantage. January just started and it’s time to get your finances on track!
And if you are reading this after the new year started, you can still give it a go, it will only help you to improve.
In this post, I will be talking mostly about financial resolutions that would be great to add to your other goals for this year. Find out which ones you can use to your benefit!

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The Ultimate Self-Care Day To Start The New Year Of Right!

A new year is about to start and you might already be overstimulated from all the holiday festivities. A self-care day is just what you need to recharge your batteries and enter this new year the right way!
A stay-at-home self-care day can be so wonderful, so relaxing, and perfect to unwind from your busy everyday life. Whether or not you are a homebody, I think anyone could benefit from a day of pampering.
When you live your day-to-day life, you probably won’t see much room in your schedule to spend a whole day doing the things you love. Make room for it! Plan a day that is solely for enjoying yourself and recharging your batteries.
Life can be hard and tiring at times, and you certainly do deserve to take a day to enjoy yourself without feeling guilty about it. A self-care day all the way!

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How to Make an Inspirational Canva Vision Board Online for Free

Vision Boards can be very helpful to keep your eyes on the prize and focus on your actual goals. Nowadays, with the wonders of the internet, it is straightforward to create a stunning vision board all in one place online.
When you wanted to make a Vision Board a few decades ago, the only way was to do it old school. Cutting out pictures in magazines and newspapers to glue onto a big piece of paper. This can still be a lot of fun and brings back nostalgia to some so don’t discard it this way, give it a go if you want! But you will need a lot of magazines to find enough good material to fill your Vision Board.
We currently live in a digital age where we all spend a lot of time on our smartphones and laptops. Seeing a beautifully created Vision Board on your phone or laptop can help you stay focused on your goals and be the daily inspiration you need.

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