Personal Finance

13 Awesome Side Hustle Ideas To Make Some Extra Money

If you are looking for awesome side hustle ideas to make some extra money, this article is for you!
I wrote a blog post earlier about side hustles that would be a great fit for introverts, but this blog post is for everyone, some of them are more for extroverts, and others are more introvert-friendly.
Side hustles will help you create more than one income stream and allow you to develop new skills and grow as a person. If you have some time left to fill with a hobby that can bring home more money, why not do it?
Let me share 13 great side hustles that you can do alongside your 9-5 job!

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4 Easy Iced Coffee Recipes for Coffee Lovers (Beginner-Friendly)

This summer, I discovered the art and taste of homemade iced coffees! Making delicious iced coffees became a hobby of mine in no time. So why not share my explorations and easy iced coffee recipes with you all to enjoy?
Since university, I’ve been a coffee girl. Completely black or mixed with all different flavors and milk, I’m all for it! Those days, I always drank coffee from my Dolce Gusto or Senseo machine or went to a local coffee shop to try something more special.
Making fancy iced coffees isn’t that difficult at all, and it’s way cheaper than always running to the coffee shop to buy one.
Getting the right appliances at the start might be a little investment, but you will save money in the long term and probably enjoy yourself while creating these yummy iced coffees!
These 4 easy iced coffee recipes are all you need to start becoming a barista at home, let’s see which tools you need to have and how little ingredients you need!

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15 Money Saving Tips to Save Money during the Summer Holidays

Summertime is here and we need money saving tips to thrive during summer!
Whether you are going on vacation or staying home enjoying all the summertime fun in your neighborhood, spending money often goes hand in hand with a holiday period.
You want to be able to enjoy your summer, go out for drinks with your friends, go to that outdoor festival, go to the beach to taste all the ice cream flavors, and maybe travel, all of those lovely things whilst not going broke, that’s the goal!
With these money saving tips, you will definitely keep more money in your pocket while still enjoying summer.

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6 Reasons Why Medical Coding is a Perfect Career for Introverts

Tons of jobs require many interactions with other people, clients, patients, customers, etc. Introverts have limited social energy and thrive when they have time to work alone and not get interrupted by others constantly. Let me introduce you to medical coding!
I consider myself an introvert and found constant patient interaction very draining. What I did love, however, was nice chats with some of my coworkers. It’s not because you are an introvert, that you don’t want to have any contact at all, we are still humans and that makes us social beings.
Depending on where you place yourself on the introverted spectrum, you would like more or less social contact during your workday. Keep reading if you want no direct client/patient/customer contact.
Maybe you worked in healthcare as well, and are experiencing compassion fatigue, you are thinking about changing jobs because you are so burned out but don’t want to leave the medical field. Consider becoming a medical coder if this is the case!

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14 Frugal Living Tips to Save Even More Money

Frugal living is winning popularity day by day, because of how expensive everything is becoming today. The wages aren’t growing as much as the prices of your everyday needs, which is problematic, and therefore, a little frugality here and there might be of great help to you.
Suppose you can save some money at the end of each month, good for you! But if you can save even more money, even better right?
Frugal living tips can come in handy to save a few dollars here and there, which really adds up in the end! Some frugal living tips might even save you a whole lot of money.
Frugal living is a way of life. It is not for everyone, but it can help you big time for reaching your financial goals faster.
I wish you the best of luck with your frugal living journey and hope these tips can help you out.

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8 Great Side Hustles for Introverts to Make More Money

Side hustles are great for making some extra money on top of your everyday job. You could look for side jobs when your regular income just isn’t enough for you or when you have time to spare and would love to make a little extra money to spend on fun things or save more towards your financial goals.
Side hustling can be broad, with loads of different possibilities to make some extra cash, so you can find a side hustle that fits your lifestyle and work preferences. You can look for something you like to do in your free time that can make money.
Sometimes, it is even possible to turn your side hustle into your main hustle, but this doesn’t always work with every side hustle. Or you can combine multiple side hustles to create enough income so you don’t need your main job anymore.
Start exploring the world of side hustles and find one you enjoy! As an introvert myself, I thought it would be nice to share some side hustles that are totally introvert-friendly.

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Master Zero-Based Budgeting to Help Control Your Finances

When trying to find a budgeting method that works and that will help you control your finances, the zero-based budgeting method might be a good fit for you. It is found to be one of the best budgeting methods out there.
Every budgeting method is developed to let you gain control over your financial situation so obviously, the zero-based budgeting method will help you with this as well. You will get insights into how much money you are making and where all your money is going. This budgeting method is also more exact than the others and lets you start every month with a clean slate and a new budget.
To master the zero-based budgeting method, you should know the basics first and become a master by implementing this budgeting method every month over and over again. You will see that it only gets easier when you make it a habit.
Let’s start and get more control over your financial situation!

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Building an Emergency Fund: Why it’s Important and How to Start

Don’t you hate having big expenses you didn’t see coming until they’re there? They can mess up your budget and make you debt if you don’t watch out. I’m talking about unexpected medical bills, your care breaking down, your dog getting sick, etc.

To prevent not having enough money for unexpected expenses, it’s best to build an emergency fund. A big pot of money to keep you financially safe for when an emergency happens to you.
You will love having a financial buffer, it will give you more freedom and peace of mind to have an emergency fund in place.

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9 Passive Income Ideas For Absolute Beginners

The world of passive income is amazing, but most of the time, it’s never as passive as you like it to be especially not in the beginning. Give it some time (and effort) and it can become a great extra source of income.
It’s always a good idea to have more than one stream of income because it will give you a safety net if something happens to your only income. It’s not a good idea to work every hour of your life so passive income can help you gain more money while you don’t keep putting in the extra working hours.
Start today by exploring which type of passive income might suit your life, and create your best life. Eventually, it will free up more time to do the things you love while still making a good income to support yourself and your family.

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8 Great Low-Stress Jobs for Anxious Introverts

If you are reading this article, I am guessing you are looking for a low-stress job. I get it! My last job totally wrecked me, so all I wanted to do was find a low-stress career for myself.
When your job stresses you out every single day, this will totally deplete you. You won’t have energy left to spend with your family or enjoy some alone time. Especially if you are stressing yourself out in your free time worrying about what might happen the next day at work. You should be able to really let go of your job when you arrive home.
I have done a lot of research on what jobs would be a great fit for introverts, highly sensitive people, people with no high-stress tolerance, etc. This blog post will talk about jobs that have little to no stress and would be great if you want a job just to be a source of income and not a major stressor in your life.

8 Great Low-Stress Jobs for Anxious Introverts Read More »

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