Personal Finance

The Brilliant Digital Envelope System – Alternative to the Cash Envelope System

Thank God that an alternative to the regular cash envelope system has been invented, the digital envelope system!
Modern society is becoming more and more cashless every day. Most stores prefer payments by card since COVID-19 has happened. Because using the card is more hygienic, there is less hassle with giving back the correct amount of change and you don’t have to stop at an ATM to get your money out. So easy!
With this method, you can keep a tight budget that is flexible as well.

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Living Alone For The First Time – How Much Money Do You Need?

You are living at your parents’ house and thinking, how much money do I actually need to start living alone?
This question has a different answer for everyone but we will look at some guidelines to help you figure it out for your personal situation.
Your parents pay for so many things that you probably don’t even have a clue about, so many bills that need to get paid every single month. If you can and your parents will have you, my advice would be to stay as long as you can in your parental home to save money for your future.
Moving out and living alone for the first time can be exciting or scary, but you should spend some time thinking about the financial situation before making the big jump!

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The 9 Best New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Your Personal Finances

Happy New Year! The start of a new year is always a good time for making resolutions. Maybe this year you will make the best New Year’s Resolutions yet!
It’s easier to make a change when a new year or new period starts, but why is this? Is it the extra push we need to start making a change for real? Anyway, whatever the reason may be, use it to your advantage. January just started and it’s time to get your finances on track!
And if you are reading this after the new year started, you can still give it a go, it will only help you to improve.
In this post, I will be talking mostly about financial resolutions that would be great to add to your other goals for this year. Find out which ones you can use to your benefit!

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The Cash Envelope System – Easy Explanation to Help You Stop Overspending

When you are new at budgeting, you are known for overspending money you don’t have or you love holding and looking at your hard-earned cash, this system is for you!
The cash envelope budget system is an easy and flexible budgeting system that can help you to be more successful with your finances, save more money at the end of each month, and help you reach your financial goals.
It makes budgeting come to life because you can actually see and feel the money you are using in your everyday life. This really can be an eye-opener.
Try it out and see if this works for you. It might be the budgeting system you were looking for all along!

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11 Free Activities to Have Fun in Wintertime

Winter can be an expensive season. Around the holidays we spend a lot of money on gifts which is a lot of fun, but not so fun for our wallets. Electricity prices go up and we have to pay them if you want to stay warm and cozy inside your home. During winter there are also more illnesses going around so more doctor appointments and medication to pay for.
That’s why we need FREE activities to bring some joy to our lives without robbing our bank accounts. There aren’t many things that don’t cost a thing. For example when you want to have a drink, even when at home, you are still paying for that drink so let’s focus on very cheap activities.

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11 Frugal Living Tips to Save You Money

Frugal living tips are in high demand as frugal living is gaining more popularity because of the skyrocketing prices of everything in 2023. The gas, housing, and food prices, everything went up and doesn’t seem to come down quickly. Therefore we must figure out how to keep paying our bills and still have something left at the end of the month.
When you are new to frugal living, you should check out my blog post about budgeting. Budgeting will come in handy to figure out where you stand financially.
Before you make any changes to your lifestyle, you should know where you can save more. You can do this by looking at your expenses and keeping a budget. You can also apply these tips without having a budget but I don’t recommend it. Having a budget is very important if you want to be more in control of your financial situation.
When you are budgeting and saving the best you can but need a few extra tips to save even more money, keep reading!

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What is Financial Freedom Actually and How to Reach It?

Everyone wants to have financial freedom but what does this even mean? To be financially free can mean something else to each person. Here is a general definition that suits most people.
Financial freedom means having the freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want it. Not having to work for survival but going to work because you want to. Having enough money to live a life you love. It’s about not worrying that you don’t have enough money to support yourself and your family.
It’s so different for everyone! Here are a few steps to follow to get closer to what financial freedom means to you!

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How to Use Sinking Funds to Save Money

Everybody who budgets will benefit from having sinking funds.
You are able to save up for bigger expenses so they don’t cause you a headache or nervous breakdown when those big payments pop up. You will have saved for those expenses in advance, great!
Your money will go to the things that you value or need and you can spend the money from the sinking funds guilt-free because they fit into your budget.
Go ahead and make your own!

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How to Save More Money on Groceries: 15 Tips for Spending Less

Everybody has to spend part of their income on groceries as food is a necessity to keep on living. However, the amount we spend on groceries differs greatly between families. Saving money on groceries is not that hard if you follow these 15 tips.
You will feel great when you have more money left over from your monthly budget for things you like spending your money on!

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