
25 Things to be Grateful for Inspirational List

You can quickly improve your mood with some gratitude.
There are so many things to be grateful for in life, we should all focus more on gratitude practice to be more fulfilled and happy. But when you are feeling down, it can sometimes be tough to find things to be grateful for.
Things to be grateful for are really unlimited. This list only gives you some inspiration to get you started, but everyday you might notice a different thing to be grateful for.
Gratitude is part of a happy life, share it with your family and friends to spread this warm feeling.

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10 Great Tips For Mental and Emotional Self-Care

People can’t be happy all the time, that’s just not in our nature. It is healthy to make space for experiencing all your emotions and just let them be there for a little while.
If you are struggling through life and seeing all the negatives but almost no positives, it might be good to take care of your emotional and mental health. Go see a therapist if you feel like you can’t do this on your own, they are here to help you!
I hope these tips will help you through the rollercoaster of emotions you face on a day-to-day basis and to feel better in general. Sending you a virtual hug!

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7 Wonderful Valentine’s Day Ideas for Single Women

It’s almost Valentine’s Day! <3 When you are single and have no partner to celebrate with, this might be a not-so-great day for you. But it doesn't have to be a bummer! Spending Valentine's Day being single can be plenty of fun too :). If you think it's a holiday that needs no celebration, that's cool! But if you love the idea behind Valentine's Day, keep reading for some fun ideas to celebrate this lovely holiday.

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How to Relax When You Are Super Stressed Out!

How to relax after a stressful day at work, a busy family gathering, or a day watching the kids. This sounds easier said than done when you have a million tasks that need to be done and must take care of your family simultaneously.
Some people seem to feel no stress while others can’t seem to spend one minute without feeling stressed out. When you spend your whole day stressing about things, you will be worn out when the evening comes.
Are you feeling like your mind is exploding and you just can’t take it anymore? Do you need a break like right now?
Whenever I worked hard at work, I always enjoy an unwinding evening filled with relaxation. Don’t instantly grab a chill pill but try these relaxation ideas when you are stressed and need to get relaxed.

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The Ultimate Self-Care Day To Start The New Year Of Right!

A new year is about to start and you might already be overstimulated from all the holiday festivities. A self-care day is just what you need to recharge your batteries and enter this new year the right way!
A stay-at-home self-care day can be so wonderful, so relaxing, and perfect to unwind from your busy everyday life. Whether or not you are a homebody, I think anyone could benefit from a day of pampering.
When you live your day-to-day life, you probably won’t see much room in your schedule to spend a whole day doing the things you love. Make room for it! Plan a day that is solely for enjoying yourself and recharging your batteries.
Life can be hard and tiring at times, and you certainly do deserve to take a day to enjoy yourself without feeling guilty about it. A self-care day all the way!

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How to Make an Inspirational Canva Vision Board Online for Free

Vision Boards can be very helpful to keep your eyes on the prize and focus on your actual goals. Nowadays, with the wonders of the internet, it is straightforward to create a stunning vision board all in one place online.
When you wanted to make a Vision Board a few decades ago, the only way was to do it old school. Cutting out pictures in magazines and newspapers to glue onto a big piece of paper. This can still be a lot of fun and brings back nostalgia to some so don’t discard it this way, give it a go if you want! But you will need a lot of magazines to find enough good material to fill your Vision Board.
We currently live in a digital age where we all spend a lot of time on our smartphones and laptops. Seeing a beautifully created Vision Board on your phone or laptop can help you stay focused on your goals and be the daily inspiration you need.

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11 Free Activities to Have Fun in Wintertime

Winter can be an expensive season. Around the holidays we spend a lot of money on gifts which is a lot of fun, but not so fun for our wallets. Electricity prices go up and we have to pay them if you want to stay warm and cozy inside your home. During winter there are also more illnesses going around so more doctor appointments and medication to pay for.
That’s why we need FREE activities to bring some joy to our lives without robbing our bank accounts. There aren’t many things that don’t cost a thing. For example when you want to have a drink, even when at home, you are still paying for that drink so let’s focus on very cheap activities.

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The Power of Silence – Recharge Your Energy for Introverts

Don’t you just wish you could plug in your social batteries while you are working? Unfortunately, it doesn’t work this way. It’s not that easy.
As an introvert, you start your day with a full social battery on good days. At least if you had some time to recharge from your past day. When you have to talk and interact with a lot of people, this battery will run out pretty soon if you are introverted.
Introverts can even have a kind of ‘social hangover’. If you are an introvert you probably know what I am talking about but if you aren’t, here follows an explanation of the phenomenon. When you have a social hangover you feel drained or exhausted from overstimulating social contacts, this can be from the previous day or multiple days. The cure to this social hangover is some alone time.
This blog post will help you discover ways to recharge your energy as an introvert.

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How to Take Care of Yourself During The Wonderful Holidays

Happy Holidays Everyone! The holidays are about having fun and spending time with family and friends. However, they can also be stress-inducing or even nerve-wracking for some people. It’s essential to take care of yourself when needed in this jolly time of year.
Most people spend time with their families and loved ones and celebrate the new year as a new beginning! It can be a lot of fun to have some quality time with your family because, during everyday life, work and responsibilities can get in the way of doing so.
Let’s fill your cup! Here are 10 great self-care activities to recharge your energy and make you feel more joyful and less stressed during the holidays!

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8 Ways to Combat Stress When You Have Social Anxiety

There are so many ways you can relieve your stress levels when you suffer from social anxiety.
Try them all to see which ones work best for you and use them in your social situations.
Social anxiety should be taken seriously and you should consider going to see a therapist about it to help you even more.
Don’t isolate yourself completely, use these tips and make your life a little better one day at a time.

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