Simple Self-Care Ideas When You Are Struggling with Depression

Practicing self-care when you are struggling with depression can be extremely difficult.

Getting out of bed and making yourself ready to face the day can seem impossible to you.

This is for all of you who are at the lowest point in your life. I hope this post can help guide you to care for yourself even when you don’t feel like it at all. šŸ¤—

Iā€™m not saying doing these things will be easy for you, but they will be so worth it!

You will feel so much better after trying these 15 self-care ideas.

Easy self-care for when you are struggling with depression. Pinterest Pin.

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Get up at a reasonable time

Alarm clock.

Self-care ideas for people with depression can differ from regular self-care ideas as people who are depressed have a lot less energy and motivation generally speaking.

Staying in bed the entire day will not make you feel better. However, a good night’s sleep can make you feel better than when you are sleep-deprived.

You’re trying to escape reality by hiding in your bedroom, which is normal when you are depressed. When the day has passed, you won’t feel good about yourself though.

When you are depressed, you have low energy so it is logical that you don’t want to undertake action to do something. But trust me when I say that you will feel better if you get up and start your day.

When you have nothing planned, it can feel like you don’t have to get up, that it is all meaningless. Fill it with activities on this list so you have a reason to wake up.

Stretch it out

Child's pose yoga woman an a yoga mat. Self-care ideas.

After you’ve found the strength to get out of bed, you can stretch your entire body one part at a time to awaken your body. While you’re at it, take a sip of water to hydrate your body as well.

You can do this even when you are still in bed! Just make sure to not crawl back into it when you’re done.

If you need some guidance, check out some of these gentle stretching routines by Adriene on YouTube. Position yourself on your yoga mat or do it in bed, your choice.

Stretching your body is refreshing in the morning but is also great to relax before you go to bed.

Take a shower or bath

Shower head.

Another very basic act of self-care in this list of self-care ideas is washing yourself. If taking a shower or a bath is too much trouble for you, just clean your face and body a little with a washing cloth above the sink.

Your self-care will suffer when you struggle with depression if you don’t force yourself to do things that are good for you because you don’t feel like it.

I do recommend taking a shower or bath because you will feel so refreshed after doing this! It’s always difficult to start doing something when you are depressed, but if you can push through and get yourself in the shower, you will feel much more like a human being.

A bath takes less effort than taking a shower in my opinion and I find it more relaxing. But this is a personal preference. You can also add scented bath salts, bath bombs, or scented candles to make it a more relaxing experience.

When you are dirty, chances are that you definitely don’t want to leave your house. So get yourself cleaned up a little to feel better.

Put on some clothes

When you are changing from your pajamas to your clothes, you will feel more ready to do something with your day.

There is nothing wrong with the occasional pajama day on the weekends or when you are sick.

I am aware that depression is an illness don’t get me wrong, but because it is more chronic than let’s say the flu, you should start wearing clothes again to try to integrate back into society.

When you’re wearing your PJs, you probably don’t want to go outside.

Look for a comfortable outfit, just as cozy as your pajamas, then it won’t be so hard to change your outfit.

Brush your teeth

Toothbrush with toothpaste and a glass of water. Self-care for Depression.

Always try to take care of your teeth if you want to keep them until you grow old. Believe me, you do.

The recommendation of dentists is brushing twice a day with an electric toothbrush and flossing once. Do check that your toothpaste contains 1450 ppm fluoride as it takes care of cavity prevention.

Self-care ideas when you are experiencing depression look a bit different than you’re regular self-care. If you can’t get yourself motivated to do it twice a day, do it once but preferably in the evening before going to sleep.

The nighttime brushing routine is the most important because there is less saliva in your mouth during the night and you are more prone to making cavities then.

If you even can’t find the motivation to brush once, maybe try a fluoride mouthwash to support you and your teeth in this difficult time. Make sure that the mouthwash has no alcohol in it, as this damages the soft tissues in the mouth!

Remember that brushing and flossing are very important for your oral health and as a consequence also your general health.

Take care of your pearly whites! šŸ™‚

Have three meals a day

When you are depressed and spending every day at home, not working, you won’t have the same routine as on your workdays. If you still are capable of doing your job, good for you!

Feeding yourself is basic self-care and it’s best to do it at regular intervals, three times a day to maintain a routine. This way, you are less likely to forget to eat at all.

Eating something healthy is the best thing you can do for your general health and energy level. Try having a piece of fruit or some veggies. At least eat something regularly to help with your energy levels.

Be aware that eating junk food won’t make you feel better. It might feel good at the moment, but once you pass that moment, you won’t feel great. It even takes your energy away.

Pet a furry animal

A cute dog cuddling with a human. Self-care ideas.

Having a furry friend will benefit you greatly! But you have to make sure you can look after them as well!

This idea works only for people who have pets or know pet owners. When you are struggling with depression, you probably won’t ask an acquaintance if you can come pet their dog. So having your own pet or a close friend’s pet works best.

Stroking their furry skin, feeling the softness against your hands feels relaxing.

Most dogs love getting attention from you and you will receive a lot of love from them back. These animals love you unconditionally.

Get some love in!

Make a list of little things you can accomplish today

Don’t go making a big to-do list filled with overwhelming tasks. Make a list with a few tiny things to do.

I will give you some examples. Let’s say the dishwasher needs to be emptied or there is laundry that needs to be folded. Making yourself a meal or going outside for some fresh air can be included, as well as taking that shower!

Make sure not to make it too overwhelming so you can find some motivation to get started.

If you can’t finish it all don’t get upset with yourself, some things can easily wait another day. Be proud of the things you did do! You managed to do a few things which is great!

Get some sunshine

A woman standing with here arms wide open outside, catching some sunshine.

Feeling the sun burning on your skin feels amazing. The warmth that it gives you will light you up.

If there is a chance to get some sun on your skin, go for it! Don’t stay inside now that you have the chance to get your vitamin D.

Put on sunscreen if you are going outside though. Your skin will thank you later.

When the sun is shining, people generally are in a better mood, so be one of those people and enjoy the sun. It deserves a place in this list of self-care ideas for sure!

Talk or chat with a loved one

As we all are human beings, we crave connection. Some people need it more on a deeper level than others, but we all need someone to talk to and connect with to thrive in our lives.

I think this is a more difficult self-care activity for when you have depression because most people who are depressed are isolating themselves. Breaking through that isolation can help you get past your depression faster.

As difficult as reaching out to someone for help may be, it is very important! Even if you don’t feel like chatting about yourself, ask them about their lives and maybe even help them with problems they are having. Maybe they have some great self-care ideas as well for you!

When you are at a very deep point of your depression, it can be difficult to connect with others. Ask a family member if you can join them in the same room, not even chatting just sitting with each other while you read a book or watch a show. Having some company can help break your isolation.

I’m sure they would love your company because they care for you. They want to help you get better even when you don’t feel like you are a great company to be around.


A blank notebook to use as a journal. Self-care ideas for Depression.

Writing your thoughts down in a journal can help you gain some perspective. When you see your thoughts written down, it can help to figure out which ones are true and which ones are total crap and self-undermining. You will see that most of the negatives you think about yourself aren’t true at all when you look at them rationally.

You can choose to write them down in an empty notebook or try guided journaling with this guided mental health journal.

It can also help you clear your head a little when it is flooding with negative thoughts. This is called a brain dump when you just write everything down that comes to your mind at that specific moment.

You can do this when you wake up, before you go to sleep, or even both. Trying to find something to be grateful for and writing that down can also help you to look at the positive moments in your life.

Check out my blog post to find gratitude inspiration.

Finish a small task

With or without making a to-do list first, try finishing a small task that needs to be done.

This self-care activity won’t cure your depression in just one task, but one task at a time, you will feel more productive and more capable, both are great feelings to have.

When you can finish a task, you can feel proud about doing it, even if it’s a small one. Don’t beat yourself up about not doing enough, celebrate the fact that you did finish something!

It can get even better when you can help someone else with a task. You should feel very good about yourself and hopefully, the person you’ve helped will thank you.

When you have to do a task you don’t like, it can help if you put on a great playlist or watch your favorite show while you are doing it.

Do something you used to enjoy

Paintbrushes in a pot. Self-care for depression.

Self-care when you are suffering from depression is also doing something you used to enjoy.

Most of the time when people are depressed, they don’t enjoy doing anything anymore. This is horrible.

If you still do enjoy your hobbies and fun activities, I’m happy for you, keep doing and enjoying them!

Think about all the hobbies or activities you used to get great pleasure from. These are things where the time flies by when you are doing them and you feel great simultaneously.

Some examples of creative self-care ideas:

  • Drawing
  • Reading
  • Dancing
  • Playing board games
  • Playing music

What are the things on your list? Try them again!

You might also like: 23 Self-Care Activities Without Spending a Lot of Money

Watch your favorite series

This is a no-brainer and I think a lot of people already do this with no effort. It doesn’t take much energy to put on a funny Netflix show.

The thing about this self-care activity is when you have depression, it can be easy to get sucked into the shows and stop showing up in the real world. When this happens, it is no longer a self-care activity.

Laughing is the best medicine so pick a show you really like but don’t overdo it. Watch a few episodes a day or have a full day of Netflix but don’t do this every single day.

Watching your favorite show can help you relax and laughing will make you feel better.

Go for a walk in nature

Man walking his dog in a forest.

Last but not least, a self-care activity that will help you better your depression on two levels.

Walking and moving your body is good for your physical health and your mental health as well.

This is also true for spending time in nature. Nature has a way of calming your nervous system with its colors, sounds, and smells.

When you have a garden, you can spend some time walking barefoot on the grass or lying down and looking at the sky.

When you have a park nearby, make sure to take a stroll and take your four-legged friend with you if you have one.

You could also ask a friend or family member to join you on your walk or listen to some music if you prefer to be alone.

Reach out to a mental health professional

I am not a mental health professional. I’ve suffered from depression myself so I do know what I am talking about and have visited a mental health professional in the past.

I hope these self-care ideas will help you to get better from your depression, but I do think it is necessary to get some advice from a doctor or mental health therapist as well.

You can try out these self-care ideas and see what they can do for you. Hopefully, they will help you and make you feel a lot better soon! Take care of yourself. You deserve it!

Explore more self-care ideas in my self-care category. šŸ™‚

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